Hi, I'm Jerome Vidry. I live in Montreal since 2007.

PHP Developer since 2005. I worked on any kind of projects, from basic website, to more complex systems, including mobile applications.
I have a deep knowledge of PHP capabilities and I am able to solve any kind of problem.

I am able to lead a project, from the conception, to the delivery, managing the development of the different modules.

Find more about my previous work in my Portfolio.

The Protostars within Lynds 483

Two protostars are hidden in a single pixel near the center of a striking hourglass-shaped nebula in this near-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope. The actively forming star system lies in a dusty molecular cloud cataloged as Lynds 483, some 650 light-years distant toward the constellation Serpens Cauda. Responsible for the stunning bipolar outflows, the collapsing protostars have been blasting out collimated energetic jets of material over tens of thousands of years. Webb's high-resolution view shows the violence of star-formation in dramatic detail as twisting shock fronts expand and collide with slower, denser material. The premier close-up of the star-forming region spans less than 1/2 a light-year within dark nebula Lynds 483.